kostol02The Chapel of the Virgin Mary (behind the local part of Dedová) was built by local settlers in 1948. The chapel stands in the wild, surrounded by a meadow and a forest. It is one of the most visited chapels in the village of Oščadnica. You can find it in the area between Dedovka and Vyšný koniec.

The Chapel behind Dedová from 1948 serves as a bell tower. The inhabitants of the settlement desired to have a chapel for the purpose of gathering and worshipping. Inside the Chapel, there is an altar with the statue of the Virgin Mary to be found. Carved wooden statues are placed in the surroundings. A source of drinking water – a natural spring is just next to the Chapel.



Prístup: Kaplnka leží mimo osady a dostanete sa ku nej po žltej turistickej značke (8541) z Oščadnice časť Dedovka ktorý začína v stredisku Snowparadise na parkovisku a končí pri kaplnke Zadedová (Príslop), alebo z druhej strany po zelenej tur. značke (5542) z časti Vyšný koniec.
Táto trasa je dlhá 2,6 km a trvá 40 – 50 minút. Je to krásne miesto na oddych či výlet v každom ročnom období.


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